My name is Clarissa and my last name is Yeo, which explains the site name, Yocla Designs. I’m nineteen years old, going on twenty this year, and am currently in University. My interest in designing sparked as a kid (like how every kid likes to draw). One of my friends theorized that everyone’s an artist as a kid–it’s only those that stuck with it that eventually grow up with awesome drawing skills. I can’t draw well, although I took art. But I still I stuck with that creative side of my brain. Seven years ago I stumbled upon a photoshop magazine–it isn’t as pretty as the colorful magazines these days, just a grayscale image with a girl with green eyes; I still have it with me. And from there I picked up the skills that started the ball rolling. There was an Infocomm class at my school when I was thirteen. I didn’t like the way my teacher selected elements, so I tried to teach her myself. Thirteen year old kids can be pretty bratty.
A year ago I decided to go professional. I think I’ve come a long way since then. You can look at my old book covers I did for practice. The images there aren’t copyrighted… they were only for practice after all. They’re not that good compared to what I have in my portfolio now. It goes to show that practice makes perfect. I’ve made hundreds of covers since then.
There’s still a lot more improvement in order, and the margin of error got much narrower since I went pro. I want my design standards going up, up, up (which designer doesn’t?). Things seem to be going in the right direction. It’s you authors that give me the chance to improve who I have to thank.
A year ago I decided to go professional. I think I’ve come a long way since then. You can look at my old book covers I did for practice. The images there aren’t copyrighted… they were only for practice after all. They’re not that good compared to what I have in my portfolio now. It goes to show that practice makes perfect. I’ve made hundreds of covers since then.
There’s still a lot more improvement in order, and the margin of error got much narrower since I went pro. I want my design standards going up, up, up (which designer doesn’t?). Things seem to be going in the right direction. It’s you authors that give me the chance to improve who I have to thank.