Avast ye me hearties and blow me down! Today we welcome Western Contemporary Romance Author Loralee Lillibridge on the deck of our fair ship to thrill us with a tale of Western Romance spun in Texas. All hands on deck to welcome her aboard. But first a teaser... BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE? WHIT "Whit sped down the road toward Peabody, cursing himself six ways to Sunday.The electricity generated between them was enough to light up all of South Texas... But then, that would have put a crimp in his plans to obtain the lease, and he didn't want to screw that up." GRACIE "Gracie watched, her whole body tingling, still wanting,until Whit disappeared from view.What would have happened if she'd followed her urge to kiss him senseless?" ![]() Romance author, Loralee Lillibridge, is a long-time fan of romance novels and a strong believer in the power of love. Loralee grew up in Texas loving cowboys and rodeos, but relocated in Michigan after her marriage to a handsome Yankee who stole her heart. She still favors country love songs, and seeing a field of Texas bluebonnets can make her cry, but she admits the West Michigan lakeshore has a beauty all its own. Even as a child, Loralee’s love of books, combined with a vivid imagination, fueled a desire to create her own stories with characters readers could care about. Her first attempt was a neighborhood play about a pirate who rescued a princess. (Original, yes?) Needless to say, the audience only consisted of her parents and the boy next door who reluctantly played the role of the pirate. Now she enjoys writing emotionally fulfilling stories centered on the relationship of a man and a woman and their often rocky road to love. Heart-warming stories of ordinary people and extra-ordinary love. Hi Patricia, Thank you so much for inviting me to THE WHIMSICAL HERALD BLOG. I look forward to telling you a bit about my latest release, COWBOYS, CASTLES AND CRADLES. Welcome aboard, Loralee! 1. Your novel Cowboys,Castles and Cradles begins with an explosion of action, stormy weather and circumstances. Was it intentional that your novel begins with a bang? The beginning action was definitely intentional. I wanted Whit and Gracie to meet at the start of the story in order to give them more time to develop a relationship. After all, they certainly don’t have anything in common. Or do they? 2.What inspires you to write Western contemporary romance? I’ve always loved reading about ranch life in the Hill Country. Texas history fascinates me and cowboy movies a la Roy Rogers and Lone Ranger were a Saturday afternoon must as I was growing up. John Wayne, Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott movies came along later. 3.Whit Carter Lovett the Third and Gracie Castle seem to have an instant connection. Are you a believer in love at first sight? I believe a mutual attraction can be instantly filled with fireworks, but true love takes time to grow. Of course, there are always exceptions, especially in romance novels. 4.Take us through your typical day as an author.Do you write on a schedule? Schedule? I’m still trying to find one. Right now I’m in the process of moving to a new home, so my time to write is usually in the evening after a day of sorting and packing. But I believe having a schedule is necessary in order to get the pages written each day. I’m motivated by my terrific critique partners who have been my inspirations for over twelve years. 5.Are you a plotter who makes outlines or a fly by the seat of your pants author? I’m more of a pantser who wishes she was a better plotter! Actually, I’m somewhat of a daydreamer, also. But I count that as “story development”, wouldn’t you? 6.Are there authors who have inspired you to write? Who are your favorites? Back in the day, (long, long ago), my high school English and Literature instructor banked the fire for reading that my parents started. My preacher father was also an artist and poet. As for authors who inspired me, there are too many to name. There are some in every genre. I can’t choose!!! 7. What was the first novel you published, and what advice would you give hopeful emerging authors? My first novel was Accidental Hero published by Harlequin Special Edition in 2005 and still available in digital. Advice? Keep writing and never stop learning. 8.What current projects do you have in the works for your readers to look forward to? I hope to write another Texas contemporary romance or two and another cozy mystery. Right now I’m taking a break until I get settled in new home. 9. There is a lot of humor in Cowboys, Castles and Cradles--what is one of your favorite scenes in your newest novel? My favorite humorous scene? Probably the one in the pasture with the bull. Or any with the two old codgers. They’re my favorite secondary characters. I’d love to hear which one readers choose. 10. Are there other genres that you are tempted to write in? I’d love to write an historical Western. I love reading them. I’d set it in Texas. Anyone surprised? Well me hearties, we shall in parting splice the main brace and give three cheers for Loralee Lillibridge and her new release,'Cowboys.Castles, and Cradles! Be sure to grab a copy of this fine Western Contemporary Romance today! We thank Loralee Lillibridge for coming aboard and regaling us with her tale of complicated love mystery and family in Southern Texas.
Once again it's time to 'weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen ' as we sail off to scope out more treasure on the literary high seas! Yo ho ho from your Mistress of Madness, Patricia Mattern #WeDoMadnessHere #TheWhimsicalHerald #MistressofMadness
Patricia MatternMistress of Madness NEWS!Well, do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?
Lewis Carroll, in 1897, proposed this answer, "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is 'never' put with the wrong end in front!" (raven, spelled backward, is nevar aka never...or as we like to say here at TT...never more!)
November 2021