Well blow me down! Avast ye maties! Welcome aboard The Whimsical Herald! You are all invited to join me at the Captain’s table and our most distinguished and renowned author guest Francesca Quarto to share a cup of grog as we pick her brain about her latest popular release, Love’s Prey! Fair Warning! It’s not a tale for the faint hearted! There is plenty of action, intrigue and steamy romance packed into Francesca Quarto’s new release! HER EXOTIC BEAUTY IS A LURE TO EVERY MALE THAT CROSSES HER PATH, BUT WHEN THE ONE MAN SHE TRUSTS THE MOST BETRAYS HER, SHE MUST RUN FOR HER LIFE, MARKED AS A MURDERER. “I need to show you how I feel. I have to let it out, or it will consume me as it has day after day since I first saw you!” He sounded desperate and afraid. But there was something else, something sinister in the way his hands were moving. She shifted her direction, but now the backs of her legs bumped against a low desk. Tricia looked down in desperation and saw a pair of long scissors, instinctively slipping them into her hand. She held the newfound weapon behind her back. “You-you’re scaring me. You need to stay away from me, Reverend Reed. Whatever you are feeling toward me, isn’t right. It’s not something I ever wanted.” He took a step forward and she tried to reason with him, to make him realize what he was doing by saying, “Please, your wife is a good person and you don’t want to hurt her.” His face contorted in anger and was covered in a sheen of perspiration. The bright overhead fluorescents highlighted dark smudges under his eyes, making him look more like a demon than a man of God. He edged closer. “It isn’t her I need to hurt, it’s you! I need to end your control over me, you little whore.” Tricia Cooley’s dream is to escape her life in the Black Hills forever and follow her love of art into the Chicago galleries, but her exotic beauty draws the attention of any man seeing her on or off the Sioux Reservation. Her fantasy becomes a nightmare when the one man she trusts turns her into a killer and escaping means running for her very life. While Tricia tears blindly through the night, the scent of death fills the air with sweet allure to a rogue band of shapeshifters. Her clan’s powerful shaman, Shadow Stalker, knows these Hunters are in pursuit, and that their leader, Dream Slayer, finds Tricia as irresistible as his lust for power. Jackson Wolf, a Keeper of The People, is sent to protect her from the beasts that shadow her. His growing feelings challenge his discipline, just as they are forced to battle a pack of wild shifters. Tricia must unleash the warrior within herself if she is to survive the diabolical scheme to kidnap and turn her into a sex slave for a demonic shaman. 1. Did the exquisitely detailed world building in ‘Love’s Prey’ evolve on its own or did it require a lot of research to create? The setting for "Love's Prey" was one I was already familiar with from my travels throughout those areas. Though this does not include visiting the Black Hills (yet) I have been fortunate to have visited several American Indian Reservations throughout the Southwest region. I did research on the Sioux and that particular Reservation setting in the Dakotas and also used information on their tribal folk lore. 2. What/who inspired you to write your very first book? My first book, "Wolf Master of Iron Mountain" is book 1 in my "Witch of Appalachia" series. It came about after I had already written poetry, essays, article and various newsletters over the years, some of which I actually saw published! I am an avid consummer of every kind of book, in every kind of genre, but my imagination sought a different outlet for discovery! 3. How would you describe Sioux native Tricia Cooley’s personality? Was her character inspired by anyone you’ve known? Though Tricia Cooley is not based on any one woman I know or have known, her personal story is sadly indicative to many young women seeking to better themselves in historically, male-dominated cultures. This would be true in modern day Middle Eastern countries, African nations, what are refered to as "Third World" countries and here, in our own country where the 'glass ceiing" has only a few cracks! For my character, Tricia Cooley, though young, her intellect inspires her dreams of bettering her life and her stregth of character help direct her actions. Her suffering actually ends up strengthening her resolve to live free of all control, physical or sexual. 4.There is a lot of danger as well as intrigue in “Love’s Prey’. Aside from Tricia which characters are your favorites? I enjoyed hearing the voice of Thomas One Tree, the wise Keeper dressed in the guise of an old Indian they meet along the road. I also found the clan's Shaman, and Jackson's grandfather, a strong, non-judgemental advocate for Tricia. Naturally, making my hero a hunk was rather fun, but then, he was a great fantasy wasn't he? 5. What makes you laugh and cry? I enjoy reading books with lots of edgy humor, like any mystery by the late, great Robert Parker. I cry at movies all the time, especially if I've paid twelve bucks and the movie stinks like boiled cabbage! I do cry at sad movies as I tend to get totally wrapped up in whatever my head's into at the time. 6 .Can you tell us about some of your most popular works? Which ones would you recommend to a reader that is new to your novels? My series the "Witch of Appalacia" would appeal to anyone in the family who enjoyed the magic themes in Harry Potter and Twilight I think. My stories are all independent mysteries and the reader can start anywhere in the series and not miss out on the story line. If readers enjoy mysteries and magic, I've got you covered! 7. The American Indian culture is a big part of ‘Love’s Prey’. What drew you to this theme? After an extensive trip I took throughout the South-West, I became aware of the social and econimic challenges facing the American Indians. I witnessed what I called "grinding poverty" on many of the Reservations, even through my lens of a visitor, skirting the large, geographic areas. I wanted to see something more hopeful and Tricia would provide that. 8. What actress in your mind could do justice to the role of Tricia Cooley? If I could choose, it would have to be a American Indian Actress and I can't name one..can you? 9. If you had to select one scene in this book to read aloud to an audience, which scene would it be ? Though the sexual abuse Tricia suffers at the hands of the Hunters is germane to the developement the story, I would read the chapter where Jackson Wolf has to fight the three Hunters at the diner near the bus station. This sets up his sworn duty as a Protector, to keep Tricia from falling into the hands of the Hunter's Shaman, Dream Stalker, who lusts for her, body and soul. Chocolate or Vanilla? Always CHOCOLATE! Everything else is just something cold sitting in the dish! Rock or Jazz or Classical? All of them! On a quiet island, Yo Yo Mah! Favorite food? Pizza Tea or coffee? Coffee, dark roast with cream please! Favorite season? Any that finds me alive and writing! Favorite actor? My favorite actor to play Tricia Cooley? I would love to see both the male and female protagonists played by American Indian actors to be authentic in characterization. (I'll have to research who would fill that bill and get back with you.) Cats or Dogs? Love both, but DOGS rock! 10. Please tell us about the future projects you have planned and what you are working on right now! As we speak, I am working on Book 5 of the "Witch of Appalachia" series. I'll have the first draft finished by week's end and then let it percolate for a few days, before I begin the task my editor most loves...re-writes! I will let this consume me and my time until satisfied and then start thinking about, "Celtic Fires" Book 6 in the same series. I really want to begin a new Paranormal Romance, but will use mystery along with romance which is mysterious enough if you ask me! I am thinking of a setting in the deep south as I keenly remember a trip to Mississippi, where the cemeteries were far more inviting than the cities. Well me hearties, the time has come to bid a fond farewell to our fascinating Author Francesca Quarto. We have enjoyed visiting with her and look forward to new literary booty from her fertile creative mind!
Keep a weather eye open-Old Man Winter still has his icy fingers in us yet. Stay warm and dry until next we haul into port to bring you more literary treasure from the briny deep. Your servant as always. Patricia Mattern, Mistress of Madness, The Whimsical Herald
Patricia MatternMistress of Madness NEWS!Well, do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?
Lewis Carroll, in 1897, proposed this answer, "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is 'never' put with the wrong end in front!" (raven, spelled backward, is nevar aka never...or as we like to say here at TT...never more!)
November 2021